We received 99 applications for the BIRCA Women call. It was truly invigorating for us to witness the richness and depth which were so clearly featured in all the applications. The reviewing and selection process were both inspiring but also challenging. The review was done by Moira Finucane and Susanne Danig.
In the process we considered the individual application, the individual artist and the broader context of their practice, the relevance of the proposed idea to the specificities of BIRCA Women and the foreseen dynamic between the selected cohort. With all of that being considered we chose the following artists to participate in BIRCA Women 23 under the facilitation of Australian artist Moira Finucane:
Daniela Pascal Esparza – Finland/Equardor
Elise Mollie Williams – USA
Katherina Radeva – UK/Bulgaria
Katrine Duka – Latvia
Nana-Francisca Schottländer – Denmark
The five artists who were selected vary in their experiences and background, their artistic practices, their context for work and creation.
We look forward to this edition of the BIRCA Women residency and we will make sure that the process, the exchange that it will encompass and its outcome will be shared publicly in some way – so if you are interested, you will be able to follow it. Just make sure to follow BIRCA’s facebook or sign up for our newsletter to stay updated.
The vast interest in this residency and the large number of applicants encourage us to ensure that BIRCA Women will continue next year so stay tuned.
Thank you to the Danish Arts Foundation for supporting this.